1 thought on “Start to Finish – Let’s Replay Xenoblade Chronicles, Episode 57

  1. * Converse! All! The Things!
    * I mean, I’m really looking forward to going back and catching up on other games, too. But I am invested in these characters right now.
    * Fight the giant wolfmen! I’m sure they deserve it somehow!
    * That is one broad, broad sword.
    * Thieves? None of those among the High Entia. Just nice traditional assassins.
    * Mmm, legendary monsters.
    * Poor Rozeal. Having all your friends and relatives transform into monsters is awkward. Just ask Melia.
    * All the way back to the beginning! With… party members who have nothing in common!
    * Let’s go stare at Dunban’s house, then.
    * Everyone appreciates Fiora’s food!
    * That Shulk. No manners. Just useless compliments.
    * Reyn would get along with Nopons well if they weren’t so alike.
    * Oh, right, the light that gives inspiration but lies to everyone. (no one likes you kenny rohan)
    * Those really look like tapirs crossed with aardvarks.
    * Reyn saying all the wrong things is awkward. But in character.
    * What the ever-loving HELL is Riki wearing.
    * Could we stop looking at Riki, as long as he wears……. that.
    * XC2 has, I think, a sort of ‘accessory’ system such that the idea is that you’re not changing your clothes, just… other stuff. But there’s also, I’ve noticed, the horniness. Yeah.
    * The people of that colony sure /did/ have a rough time of it, before we super-fixed their city, at hwich point they should all be over the massive traumatic events and the deaths of many of the people they knew.
    * Oh, right. Juju. Glad we saved him and all.
    * I mean, sometimes our visions mean ‘we can collect eight of these tufts of beetle fuzz to help the colony build a new clinic’, but, sure, that too.
    * Anyway, back to staring at some fancy rocks!
    * Yeah, Dunban, you’re rude as heck. Heroic, but rude.
    * Stare at the resident faces. STARE AT THEM.
    * How anyone feels safe anywhere when their own continent recently tried to kill them and is working up to another attempt, I’m not sure, but there we go.
    * You build that wall to be safe. No jumping over it.
    * Aw. Friendship!
    * YEah, we sort of started a world-spanning revenge mission for you over your death, Fiora.
    * Yes, Dunban. Your arm. It’s exactly the same age as you.
    * You know, at sword camp, I was taught to fight equally with either hand, for sword and shield; the explicit reason was that if you lose the use of one, you need to be able to keep going with the other. I know that it makes a big difference when you’re a real pro, but at least at my amateur level, I was pretty much equally good with sword/shield on either arm, by the end of the camp.
    * See, I do like the name ‘Xenoblade’ (and wonder what it is in Japanese), because the root meaning of ‘Xeno’ can mean ‘foreigner’ or ‘stranger’, but also ‘guest’. It works on several levels, here.
    * Oh, that is very neat! I suppose with conversations as short as these, they can go in really wildly branching directions.
    * Aw, let’s talk more about dead Gadolt and let these two do, like, sad flirting.
    * Hey! Shulk has talked to lots of girls! Mostly in the pursuit of sidequests!
    * Man, both those options were terrible. “I wonder what it would be like, being a guy.” And your options are “Well you’d be very straight” or “Obviously, that’s the only way you could enter combat.”
    * Okay, Shulk. Say non-awkward things to Melia! You can do this!
    * Next time, maybe plot! Or grinding! Or conversations! All make sense!

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