1 thought on “Start To Finish – Suikoden, Episode 10

  1. * I admit the man who stands next to the elevator looks rather creepy.
    * Those killer rabbits are not nearly as good at murder as my cat is.
    * Appraisals, at last!
    * This dude might be married to his sword.
    * DId not expect that box to be full of robots, I admit.
    * The Rock is just a warehouse guard? Well that’s suspicious.
    * …do we… have a vault?
    * What would we even do with a vault?
    * Oh hey, a wind-up chest with weird tights! Why do so many things that shouldn’t have limbs have purple-tight-bearing limbs in this game?
    * I feel like calling someone ‘Fellow thieves’ is a bit of a give-away, Juppo.
    * …what the hell.
    * They made an entire room based around your love of video game gambling.
    * Look, we learned our lesson about weird tea already.
    * Lepant appears to be a Scottish warrior.
    * Bring your wife! And your kids! They can all hang out at our castle!
    * Okay, so we’ll rescue your wife, and /then/ she can hang out at the castle with us.
    * Why is Kraze kidnapping wives anyway? Is she another True Rune bearer or something?
    * This is a good time for Albed to lead from the back of the party.
    * You’re so mean to Gremio! What has he ever done but tried to do the best for you?
    * Yeah, Gremio! Be full of disdain for KRaze!
    * Gasp, it’s PAHN!
    * C’mon, Pahn, you’ve got a portrait, join us again!
    * Aw yeah!
    * If no one /finds out/ what happened to you, we can blame it on unspecified rebels and dad will be fine!
    * …Lepant, that’s the worst reason for divorce.
    * Eileen, just /come with us/. It’ll be cool. We have an inn, and a cook, and an elevator, and weird baths, and we’re gonna build a vault!
    * Yeah, Odessa is… she’s resting. Pining for the fjords.
    * Did we seduce Pahn back to the rebel side of the Force by letting him get tired of bad Imperial food?
    * I am somewhat concerned that Lady Windy knows where to find us.
    * These men all want to stare at you while you sleep. I… I suddenly feel /less/ annoyed at the obsessive protectiveness of Chris’s subordinates. It seems to be a gender-neutral creepiness!
    * I honestly can’t remember who Maas is.
    * Wow, that bath has gotten noticeably better.
    * Hi, Kirkis! You look very elfy.
    * Look, if most people think elves are mythological, you can’t be oppressed by the empire too, can you?
    * Oh I guess we don’t hear about elves often because of ethnic cleansing.
    * Seriously, Matthias is a lot more leader than you are. I think you’re a figurehead.
    * Everyone is jointly surprised that Juppo is in our army.
    * That is a pretty cool angle on the castle.
    * The upgraded castle is looking pretty sweet. (I feel vaguely smug about convincing you to play Ni No Kuni 2, now. There’s a lot more in common with your Favorite JRPG Series than I knew!)
    * Huh. That seems like a pretty good vault, sure.

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